Granby Community Television, Inc Cox Ch 16  Granby, CT  

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Serving Granby since 1991 Granby Community Television was founded in 1991 for the purpose of informing and educating the residents of Granby about their community. In its over thirty years of existence, GCTV has taped over three thousand programs, obtained non-profit and tax-exempt status, and worked with the Town to obtain studio space at 11 North Granby Road, next to the Police Station.

On July 07, 2007 the second phase of GCTV's existence was underway. Cox Channel 16 officially went on the air and has become Granby, East Granby, and Hartland's exclusive public access channel, with the ability to broadcast live from the Granby Town Hall in addition to streaming live and recorded programs on the website. Local town board meetings, school, town, athletic, and organization events are broadcast to local residents. Notice of future events and announcements will appear on our Scrolling Calendar. Emergency information will be disseminated as quickly as possible.

Through several grants from the Department of Public Utility Control, GCTV has been able to provide East Granby and Hartland with dedicated taping equipment for each town to utilize, up to date studio equipment and permanently mounted robotic cameras in the GCTV Studio, Granby Town Hall, the East Granby Town Hall and the East Granby Senior/Community Center to more completely provide coverage of meetings and events.

GCTV belongs to every resident of the three towns. It is a powerful tool to educate and inform residents on the everyday activities of their community, as well as the unexpected events that will affect their lives. Residents may utilize GCTV to create and broadcast programming of their choice.

GCTV looks forward to a time when Cox will fund its day to day operations.  Until then, GCTV must rely on donations and town funding.

Please use the buttons on the left to join the GCTV family. Checks, made payable to GCTV, may be sent to GCTV, 11 North Granby Rd., Granby, CT 06035 or click on the Donate button. We thank you for your support of our efforts.
GCTV Board of Directors and Meeting Schedule
GCTV Board Meeting Agenda
How to Volunteer



what do you want to see on GCTV?  What do you want to see on TV?

what do you want to see on GCTV?  What do you want your family to see on TV?

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